Quantum information and complexity theory are exciting, fast-paced fields - with many important questions that are left to be answered. We are interested in students who have a passion for tackling these big questions and love to discuss deep conceptual ideas.
- Why is quantum mechanics reversible but the second law of thermodynamics is not?
- What fundamental makes the world quantum mechanical?
- How is everything we observe classically, but the universe itself is quantum?
Students will be officially enrolled at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and will also spend significant time working both at the Quantum Hub at NTU.
Interested Candidates are invited to apply for the following available scholarships:
- SINGA Scholarship (All nationalities)
- Nanyang President's Scholarship (All nationalities)
- NTU Research Scholarship (All Nationalities)
- Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship (Singaporean Only)
Please do contact Mile Gu (gumile at ntu.edu.sg) about possible projects before application.