One of the more interesting features of quantum mechanics is that correlations in space and correlation in time can be distinct. For example, if you have a Bell State, and measure each of the individual qubits in the Pauli Basis, you'll find that at most only two of the directions can be perfectly correlated - the third direction will always be anti-correlated. On the other hand, measure a single qubit at two points in time, and the measurement outcomes will be perfectly correlated in all three directions. In this work, we decided to investigate what types of correlations can be generated in this temporal framework.
- Geometry of quantum correlations in space-time
Zhikuan Zhao, Robert Pisarczyk, Jayne Thompson, Mile Gu, Vlatko Vedral, and Joseph F. Fitzsimons, Phys. Rev. A 98, 052312 – Published 12 November 2018