Ideal quantum resources, such as Bell States for Entanglement or Magic States of quantum error corrections, are ket to enable useful quantum technologies. However, in many instances, experimental imperfections make it impossible to engineer such states exactly. Quantum resource distillation represents a class protocol aimed to remedy this, converting many copies of imperfect quantum states into a smaller number of ideal resource states. However, there exist many settings where existing resource distillation methods are ineffective.
Here, we propose a novel approach dubbed "virtual resource distillation" emerges, proposing a shift from the direct purification of quantum states to ensuring that the outcomes of quantum measurements align with those expected from a noise-free state. This paradigm shift introduces the possibility of additional classical postprocessing to refine measurement outcomes, marking a significant departure from conventional techniques. In insense, it allows us to have a trade-off between how well a protocol distills ideal states and the computational overhead needed to post-process measurement results. This bestows additional flexibility, allowing us to make use of certain noisy resource states previously considered useless.
The resource is split over two publications, the first presents the main idea, while the second details how it can be applied to a diverse range of resource theories
Virtual Quantum Resource Distillation
Xiao Yuan, Bartosz Regula, Ryuji Takagi, and Mile Gu
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 050203
Virtual quantum resource distillation: General framework and applications
R Takagi, X Yuan, B Regula, M Gu
Physical Review A 109 (2), 022403